Crazy for Lemons! Drink Your Way To Health

So if your like me and you are looking for simple and affordable ways to keep your body healthy, starting your day with a warm glass of lemon water should be on the top of your to-do list and morning schedule! Below you'll find reasons why lemon juice in your water has some amazing health benefits for the body!

First off it is important you choose lemons that are organically grown without pesticides. If you are in warm climate states like Arizona, California, & Florida you'll find it easy to grow a lemon tree in your own yard for year round organic lemons! If you don't have access to organic lemons a conventional produce lemon will suffice. Always use fresh lemons, never use the juice in bottled or powdered form. It's important to receive the minerals from the lemon in its natural form. Enjoy!

For Digestion
Lemon juice in your water is perfect for aiding in digestion. Lemon juice can help relieve heartburn, nausea, bloatness and parasites. Lemon's blood cleansing action can relieve constipation and when taken regularly can cleanse the bowels of old waste. It has also been known for cleansing the liver and helping to produce more bile, decreasing the amount of phlegm in the body and even dissolving kidney stones! These alone are wonderful reasons to start drinking lemon water everyday!

From a scientific standpoint lemons carry more negatively charged Ions than positively charged Ions which is called an Anionic structure. Saliva, bile, hydrochloric acid, and other digestive juices in the stomach are all also Anionic. This is why lemons are a great benefit to digestion!

For Weight Loss
Lemons have been known to aid in weight loss. Studies have shown that the consumption of lemon juice has reduced the craving for sugar in nearly all participants. Juice of the lemon has been shown to increase metabolism and creates a natural diuretic for excessive water weight.

For Skin
Lemon is a Vitamin C rich fruit. Vitamin C is known for rejuvenating from within and bringing a beautiful glow to the skin! By purifying the blood from the inside and removing toxins, your skin will begin to clear up and glow on the outside. You can also use the juice as a topical beauty treatment!

For Infections
 Lemon water has been used for centuries to treat and prevent infections of the mouth and throat due to it's anti-bacterial properties. Simply dilute one-half lemon juice to one-half water and gargle often. Lemons have also been known to reduce fevers by encouraging your body to perspire. Lemons are full of antioxidants and balances the body's PH to resist infections and keep your immune system in tip-top shape.

For High Blood Pressure
Due to lemons natural high potassium content, lemons make a perfect aide in the treatment of high blood pressure. By gently cleansing the blood it acts a natural diuretic.

These are just a few ways drinking lemon juice upon rising can promote health. There are many others! It is best to drink it first thing upon rising before your morning beverage on an empty stomach for the best absorption! If you can't stomach the taste of lemon juice and water, try adding a few drops of real honey, agave nectar or stevia to taste.

Lemons, Health & Happiness!
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